วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Can eating ice cream give person a cold?

Can eating ice cream give person a cold?

 I just love to eat ice creams in the summer. Due to the country; where I live; provide a long summer in a year, ice-cream becomes a good helper to make people feel better from hot weather. I must have a minimum of one ice cream a day just to cool my body in these soaring temperatures. But I do catch a cold very often if I have too much of it. However, there is a mysterious scientific myth which states that “something cooling to gulp down your throat helps a great deal to give you that cold effect.” One thing which obviously comes first to my mind is ice creams. My mother always tells me to stop eating too much of ice-cream to protect me from the cold, but it is not easy for someone to decline or leave the favorite thing. Hence, I always wonder if eating ice cream can give person a cold

Before I did this study, I had established my own hypothesis that with the maximum limit of a person eating ice-cream per a day, it cannot change the personal body temperature to be higher than 37.2 degree Celsius which is the symptom of cold. Due to the scientific knowledge state that human is the highest of evolution, our body can create the special process which can protect and control the body temperature to be stable even when an environment is changing. Thereby, I believe that ice-cream cannot cause a cold to people.


I had established the experiment to check my pervious hypothesis by finding four people who volunteered to eat the ice-cream; two of them were males and the others were females, but they were all in the same age which is 18 years old. After finding and analyzing the information about the ability of eating ice-cream by person, I got a conclusion that the volunteers would eat ice-cream at the amount of 2% by their weight (the maximum limit which a person can eat). Therefore, the male number 1 and 2 weight 70 kilograms, they had to eat 1.4 kilograms of ice-cream per day in the maximum limit and the female number 3 and 4 weight 55 kilograms and they had to eat 1.1 kilogram of ice-cream per day in the maximum limit as well. They were ordered to continuously eat ice-cream unit up until they reach the maximum limit or as much as they can eat. Time for eating ice-cream was not limited, so they could eat as long as they wanted. While the experiment was running, measuring of body temperature would be done before eating ice-cream and in every 0.2 kilograms of eating ice-cream. The experiment took 1 week; started at 17.00 of the day until the volunteers finished eating.

The data was collected by measuring the changing of body temperature. I used Thermoscan to measure the body temperature of the volunteers. If the temperature is increasing to 37.3 degree Celsius, it is inferred that the volunteers are going to get cold. Measuring of body temperature will do before eating ice-cream, in every 0.2 kilograms of eating ice-cream and after finishing the experiment. All data was collected to plot the graph and analyze the significant tendency that shows any relationship between eating ice creams and catching a cold by using Microsoft Excel 2010.


Having collected the data, the result of the experiment shows that while the volunteers were eating ice-cream their body temperatures were slightly increased and some period showed the highest temperature which was 37.4 degree Celsius; represented by the male number 1 on Wednesday and Friday of the experiment week. However, the other data of body temperatures which are higher than 37.2 degree Celsius are represented by other volunteers as you can see on the table. Nevertheless, after the experiment had finished, the body temperature of all volunteers dropped back to the normal body temperature which is 37.00-37.2 degree Celsius.    

Providing the conclusion from the experiment, eating ice-cream with the maximum limit never changes human’s body temperature and makes anyone getting cold. It all depends upon the metabolism of a person. Some people might have intolerance to certain foods or may be allergic to some foods. Therefore, getting cold after eating ice-cream is misunderstood, the ability of getting cold is rely on a personal health. Cold can provide by various factors. 

Kidnattha Papawinnorakun No.20

