วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Dose lemon juice can decrease the spicy flavor of food?

Have you ever eaten the spicy food which has the chili???

If you have, you know the that spiciness is the cause although food which has the chili such as tom-yum-kung (shrimp soup), som – tum (Green papaya salad) etc. is very delicious, being too spicy, you may not want to eat it. 

Today, I will present you the drinks which can decrease the spiciness of food. This is not far from you. It is the lemon juice.

First, you should know that when you eat the spicy food which has the chili, you will feel hot. Because of the capsaicin which is contained in chili, it can indicate the quantity of the spicy.

The lemon juice can decrease the spiciness of food because the acid in the lemon juice will interact with the capsaicin which is base. The spiciness of food can decrease.


From the experiment, I drink the lemon juice before eat the spicy food. After I eat the spicy food, I also drink the lemon juice too.

I collect the data with my friends too. I suggest 5 people to drink the lemon juice before eating the spicy food. They tell me that it can decrease the spicy flavor of food.

So we can know that the lemon juice can decrease the spiciness of food. You can try and prove it by yourself if you want to eat the spicy food deliciously!!!

- http://www.dek-d.com/education/34064/
- http://www.bloggang.com/mainblog.php?id=newcar&month=04-01-2015&group=62&gblog=6

Written by : Anunya Jawang 56010025

