วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Is color of light affect feeling while reading?

Is color of light affect feeling while reading?

            Do you know color has more effect in daily life? When you decorate your house, you will choose suitable color for each room. When you buy something, you will choose it by color that you like. When you go to temple, you will wear white shirt. You do that because it will make you feel good. We get influence from color every time. Do you know how it affects our feeling? For everything… or not?
If color can affect everything then it also use for reading. Knowing that reading a book can make more of feeling such as exciting, calm or sleepy. Reading a book, sometimes we need to use a light bulb for increase light. Do you think it is good if we can use colored light to increase poetic flavor for reading or decrease sleepy feeling it may be good for readers. For this experiment, it is to test that color of light affects our feeling while reading.
For my own hypothesis, color of light has more influence for readers because there was research showing that intensity of light has effect on your eyes and color can affect your feeling. Then I had set up an experiment to check that point by finding five people in the same age to read a same book with three conditions red light, green light and white light.

            Red light is stead of hot tone color that should make you feel awake and excited but it will make pain for our eyes. For green light is stead of cold tone color that suitable for rest your eyes and keep you calm but it may make you sleepy. Then I give my volunteers books to read for ten minute at 10 o’clock for three days with red light in the first day, green light in the second day and the last day is control.

            After finished one of condition, I inquired them about their feeling while reading a book that “Did you feel awake or sleepy?” and “Did it make you feel good?” and I collected this data to make graph to show how different of their feeling for each color light and when finished this experiment I question them “Which condition is the best”

            The result for red light condition is that four of volunteers felt awake but only one didn’t but everyone said that they didn’t feel good because it paid their eyes. For green light condition, three of volunteers felt sleepy but two of them didn’t feel that and also three of them like this condition but others said that it caused them a headache and everyone said that they like control more than other conditions.

            From the experiment result, I can’t provide a clear-cut conclusion that color of light has effect for readers because the result isn’t clear and it has a few volunteers. Then we can’t conclude this experiment but from this experiment we can tell that light in control or light without color is better than colored light. Then when you read books, don’t forget to choose a light bulb that suitable for you and your eyes.

Nuttaporn Paonil No.9

