วันพุธที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Can fruit charge a mobile phone?

Can fruit charge a mobile phone?

Many video on youtube show how we use an apple to charge mobile phone. They use USB to connect to mobile phone and an apple then the animation on a mobile phone show that it is charging. You can see videos about recharging mobile battery by an apple on youtube. You can watch that from link below.

Now my hypothesis is that an apple can charge mobile phone battery. Then I design an experiment to prove my hypothesis

Following a video on youtube, I start with connect a USB cable to an apple then connect it to a mobile phone.

But my result is unexpected; it cannot charge my mobile phone.

The result shows that I cannot charge by following that video. But I cannot conclude that we cannot charge battery by fruit. However I know that we can make a battery by fruit such as potato. Battery generates electricity by using chemical between two electrodes in electrolyte.


Apple can be a battery if I have two electrobes(some kind of metal stick)

At first, I try to generate electricity by using apple. I stab with copper and zinc then connect it to another apple then connect both ends to LED. Finally, LED is light up. It represent that electricity is generated by an apples. Next step I will try connect battery to USB. To be continuous.
Chattarin Rodpon no.1

