วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Do hair and nails keep growing after death ?

Do hair and nails keep growing after death ?

Hair and nails actually keep growing after death or they do not?
Maybe we just imagine that they keep growing because when we die, our body system stops working. So hair and nail are impossible to keep growing.

 However, there are some people who still believe that hair and nail still lengthen even if we are dead. Maybe it’s possible? So if it’s possible how they can grow and how long can hair and nails grow?

Have you ever wondered about this?

I’d collected the data from lot of sources. Then I found data which can answer my doubt as follows:

è       Appearance of increased length created by shrunken soft tissues
o   What actually happens is the skin loses moisture. When we die, our body dehydrates. As our body is made out of 70% of water so this cause skin shrinks and this give appearance of increased length because of the optical illusion created by contrasting the shrunken soft tissues with the nails or hair'' refer to British Medical Journal article titled Medical Myths.

è        Why hair and nails don't shrink ?
o   The only part of hair which is alive is the follicle (a small spherical group of cells) and when that dies, you will be bald as your hair falls out. But hairs and nails don't shrink during funeral time because they used some moisturizing cream on their body and hair, this stops it from shrinking. And if they didn’t use moisturizing cream, your hair would have fallen out and you would go bald.

è        Hair and nail need oxygen and glucose to grow.
o   In order for nail to grow, new cells need to be produced. Keratin cells that form the nail plates on the ends of the toes and fingers are produced by a layer of tissue beneath the base of the nail called the matrix. As it produces new keratin cells, the older cells are pushed forward. This makes the nail appear to lengthen from the tip.
o   The growth of hair has a similar process like nails. The matrix will only produce new keratin cells while it receives adequate nutrients. It does not happen after death because when we die oxygen supply to the brain is cut off and glucose is not synthesized.

è          Hair and nails can grow a tiny bit after death (a liitle truth)
o   There is a little truth about the growth of hair and nails after death because death isn’t an instantaneous process. When our heart stops beating our brain cells which need adequated oxygen die very quickly. But cells that use less oxygen can live a little longer. So potentially hair and nails could grow a tiny bit after dead.

            Most data from above shows and supports that hair and nails can’t keep growing after death. Although the last data tells that hair and nails can grow a tiny bit after death, they just grow a tiny bit in short time. Most people may not observe the growth of hair and nails.
            In my opinion, I believe and have confidence that hair and nails can’t actually keep growing after death and what about you? Do you believe my myth? 

References :
                                                                                                       Natchaya Sritharo No.11 M.5

