วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Can the nutrients in your urine help the plant grow better?

          Urine, a product of your body. You may not know the benefits of urine so I search the word "the benefits of urine". The results shocked me. First 'urine therapy' or 'urine: your own perfect medicine'. (Oh who are pioneers that drinking their own urine?) Or 'clear up your acne with urine'. Someone said it works but the science does not back it up.
Experiment about urine:   

In my experiment 2 years ago, there were 2 conditions to grow rice. The first condition was growing with human urine. The other was the control (with water). The experiment has been done for 3 months (This is rice's expectancy.). I give urine and water every 2 day. The urine was diluted by 30 percent urine and 70 percent water by volume. In the first period (in 1 month first), Two conditions had grown nonspecifically different. In middle period, the first condition had a lot of dark green leaves. On the other hand the control had a few light green leaves. They were different in only colors. And finally, when they should reproduce. The control was dry and still had a few leaves but it had flowers. Although it was so withered, can reproduce for its tribe. The first condition still had a lot of leaves but it cannot reproduce.
Why the urine can be the fertilizer? :
Every animal has to excrete. Excretion have a lot of types such as water, fiber and nitrogenous waste. Aquatic animals excrete the nitrogenous waste in from of ammonia. Avian and insects were excrete the nitrogenous waste in from uric acid. Waste from animal has nitrogen. Nitrogen is valuable for plant because Nitrogen is the main 
nutrition for plant. It takes part in photosynthesis to synthesize of chlorophyll. If plant lacks nitrogen, leaves margin will become yellow and leaf will not be dark green. This is the reason why human urine can be the fertilizer. 

Other data on urine:
-Urine comprises water 95%, urea 2.5%, the other 2.5% are minerals, salt, hormones, enzymes and antibodies.
-According to 2 Australian scientists, they found the urine which excreted in the morning has melatonin. Melatonin makes you feel better, happy, and fresh.
-Urine has urokinase the enzyme which can be the agent in the treatment of severe or massive deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and occluded intravenous or dialysis cannulas.




